One bedroom apartment, 48m2, fully furnished, 1 bathroom, living room, kitchen, balcony & ocean view. Equipped with washing machine, kitchen fridge, Air con in living room & bedroom, Smart TV 50 inch. Sofa + bed etc..
Located in Vung Tau Melody, address Hoang Hoa Tham st, ward 2 Vung Tau, only few minutes walking distance to shop, grocery, local market, bus stop, school and to the beach.
Approx 700m to Lotte Mart shopping center. Melody Apartment is center area, security parking lot, convenient location for long term stay.
• Price: 6 Million. Long term rental.
Showing available, please contact:
Ms. Phuong Nguyen.
Tel: 0941293000.
Ms. Phuong Nguyen.
Tel: 0941293000.